Folks, just a quick reminder that I've transferred all content to This is the site that I'll regularly update, put widgets on and continue to evolve. I'll keep updating this site for the next while, but if you haven't already please updates your bookmarks.
Thanks for reading...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:24 AM 6 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Victory Salute Like A PRO
Bike racing and cycling is filled with unwritten rules and etiquette. Above all, style is paramount. All else is of little importance. You're only as good as your last race. I regularly get ridiculed for all my unwitting blunders. However, I know full well that it's part of the Cyclists' Code to mock the ignorant.
For those of you who have been holding back on winning races because you just don't know what you would do when crossing the finish line, allow me to give a few pointers. After you master these important TIPS, it's off to the Pro Tour you go.
Victory Salute Like A PRO
The Solo Victory
1. Ensure one's jersey is fastened to the top and shall be perfectly aligned so all title sponsors are clearly visible.
2 One shall take a quick look behind prior to victory to gloat at the peloton's futile second place sprint.
3. One shall prepare far in advance (preferably in front of mirror) for thee victory salute that shall be unleashed. One shall look 100% confident that this has been done thousand times before.
4. One shall cloak all signs of fatigue at any cost. A war-cry of aggression is acceptable emotion to be displayed.
5. One shall hold the victory salute for minimum of 20 seconds and heed placing hands on bars until soigneur approaches with towel and waterbottle directly before post-race interview.
The Sprint Victory
1. In a sprint finish, one often does not know if the race has been won or lost until centimeters before the finish line. Even so, one's victory salute still requires to have been thought out and practiced. Preparation is key. Omit training sessions if necessary. Sprinters do not train. It is a sign of weakness.
2. It is preferable that one will cross the line with victory salute displayed well before or during the sprint to the finish.
3. Never will one go past the finish line without having a victory salute for the cameras. This is a sign of humbleness (and mistaken for arrogance) and is as good as coming in last.
4. Again, all signs of fatigue are forbidden.
Let me suggest the following salutes:
The Classic. Two hands thrown in the air over one's head
The Chin-up. Another classic
The Crucifix. One must use with care. Only for true champions.
The Single Fisted Punch. Notice the slight backward lean and superb posture.
The Handgun. One needs to be sufficiently gifted to pull this off. Reserved for decisive day of Grand Tour on epic mountain top finish.
The Understated Salute. For the truly humble competitor
Thank The Lord. To be used by one of Italian or Spanish decent. Ideally, kiss crucifix on gold chain, trace sign of the cross on chest, look to the heavens and thank God for the courage he's given on this epic day. Dedication of the victory to one's teammate who passed away last year is highly regarded.
The Unwritten Rules Now Written: Some simple rules regarding the various victory salutes that shall not be forgotten.
1. Arms are to be 180 degrees straight. If bending towards 200 degrees is possible, even better.
2. Palms are to be pointed outwards to the cameras to show sponsorhip on gloves
3. Always zip jersey to the collar when the cameras are on. No one needs to see this:
4. Again, expression of fatigue is absolutely forbidden. The exception to this rule is when on the junk, do not make it too obvious. A slight expression of pain may be necessary to cover up any suspicion. You see Cadel's face everytime he crosses the finish line? You know a guy with that much suffering on his face is clean as a whistle.
5. Tears of joy is permitted only if from Italian decent. Otherwise this is not acceptable.
6. Expression of surprise or shock of winning is absolutely forbidden. Multiple Tour stage victories is the only redemption for this.
7. Multiple race victories warrants this to be pointed out.
8. Expressions of childlike joy is largely frowned upon. Garro's cool though...
9. When you drag the 39yr old Statesman to the line and then pips you at the finish, it is acceptable to raise your arm and bow your head in honor and admiration. You are his subservient domestique and it is written in your contract to make him look good during his final days before Masters racing.
10. Leadout man to salute in celebrating your victory is permitted. Even though he got dropped at the final corner and you had to close his gap, he shall receive a piece of your glory for his feeble efforts.
11. Generally the rules state that you may only raise a single arm up as the leadout man. However, you may display the double arm salute if you let your teammate take the win. As one expert commented, this is the now banned "YMCA Salute"
12. Double points are awarded for the victory salute before the finish line in a bunch sprint
13. A clear indication of who your sponsors are always pleases them. Alternatively, it is permissible to let the world know who's the real boss if the win was inevitable with or without those pesky sponsors or teammates.
14. If by fluke some neo-pro pips you at the line and you've already begun your victory salute, ABORT. Retreat hands back on the bars as quickly as possible and make like it never happened. You let him win - that's the story and stick to it.
15. Under no circumstances will second place suffice. The only respectable response to finishing second after a 200km breakaway is to pound handlebars in frustration.
Now, go win some races.
images from Velonews (Graham Watson)
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Glenvale Crit
Glenvale Criterium from cycling tips on Vimeo.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Inside vs. Outside
It's no secret to anyone who took high school geometry that the smaller the circle, the shorter the distance. Did you know that the difference between riding in a 250m velodrome on the black line versus the red "sprinters" line is 8m per lap? That's only over a distance of 250m! That means that if you're riding on the red line (outside) for the entire lap you'll need to be riding faster than the rider on the black line (inside) since he/she has not as far to go. (sorry, I have very limited internet access right now and can't remember the math of this to figure out "how fast" off the top of my head)
The same thing obviously applies to any course you're doing laps on. Why does this help me you ask? If you're in a break away move in a crit over a 1km course for example, take the inside part of the road as much as possible. This can save you approximately 20-30m per lap! (this is just a quick calculation based on the 250m velodrome example above. This can vary depending on the shape of the course you're riding on). Of course you'll need to account for the quickest line to get around those corners at high speed. Many times the large bunch who is trying to chase you down is not taking the optimal line around the course and not taking those corners as quick as your small group in the break can, so not only will your average speed be higher, but you'll also be travelling less distance. This will increase your chances on getting to the finish line before you're caught! Every little bit helps...
Posted by Wade Wallace at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Other Side....
Seeing as Wade is away for a few days at one of his many races, I thought I would take this opportunity to provide some insight from the "other half". Coincidentally, I received the following text just as I sat down to write this post...
"Hey there. We're still out for dinner so I'll call you tomorrow. Sat on the beach all day and saw dolphins! Great relaxing day. Have a good night. Love Wade."
Is it just me or was there a glaring absence of cycling mentioned in his message?! I will admit that this isn't the norm. Quite the opposite in fact. Typically, here are a few signs that you might be married to a cyclist.
1) Its 5am and from the comfort of your bed you're awakened to the sound of air being pumped into tires. Good Morning!
2) You make a recipe for dinner that apparently "serves 4-6". Somehow it barely stretches to 2.
3) Speaking of eating, you find your partner needs food and/or drink every two hours all day long. Something about replenishing all those calories he's burning?
4) You go online to do some banking and notice mysterious charges on the account with names like "bikeparts4cheap"....This is cheap?!
5) Your weekend plans revolve around scheduling activities before, after or in between rides.
6) Your spare bedroom looks more like a bike shop than a guest room.
7) Your light switches, cupboard handles, doors, walls etc. are marked by black fingerprints and you don't have children....
8) Your nephews think your husband's job is a "bike racer". I can't seem to convince them that he has a real job too.
9) Your partner is so grumpy that you begin to worry there might be a serious, false alarm, he just hasn't been out for a ride in three days.
On the flip side, I have a happy, healthy husband and all of my "alone" time allows for plenty of my own leisure activities and coffees with friends and family etc., so I don't complain too much!
Most of you reading this probably can't relate but perhaps your significant other could use some consoling. They're not alone!
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:58 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Weekday Madness
First of all I want lay out the disclaimer that I commend each and every person who rides a bike on any occasion. However, you can't paint all cyclists with the same brush. The time and place where you can see nearly every species of cyclist is on the morning commute. This brings out the best of us and I've taken the liberty of putting them in their own little bucket.
The Weekday World Champ
Every roadie loves the Weekday World Champ. This keenly competitive species of commuter is doing his own race for the rainbow jersey every morning. Usually wearing a free jersey from last years charity ride, solid black shorts, $6 sunglasses, fenders, rear mirror, and any other optional safety features. He will follow your wheel while you're slowly rolling along the road or bike path and then attack you at the opportune time of his liking. Then his head will blow off and soon after you'll come rolling past at the same speed you were doing for the past 20mins. The World Champ botches a trackstand at red lights then punches it off the gun when it turns green. Again, you'll catch up to him shortly and pass him once again.
The Weekday Warrior
There's a bit of an overlap between the Early Morning World Champ and the Weekday Warrior. Here's a guy who rides a mishmash of a decent bike with many gadgets attached, defunct pro kit from 9yrs ago, etc.....but the extent of his riding is the morning commute. He's hit a brick wall somewhere that's all his riding has ever been. The Weekday Warrior usually has some crazy ideas of his own that he's implemented and has never really fit into the cycling world anywhere else. Therefore he's made up his own trends and is seen marching to his own drum. A true legend.
The Newbie
The newbie is trying to do the right thing by giving this commuting gig a shot. This rider usually comes to a half-assed stop with one foot out of the pedal ready at a light and decides to keep going if there's a small break in traffic. The Newbie will ride on sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, roads....whatever it takes to get the job done. The Newbie is scary to watch, swerving all over the road and through traffic and certain death is always in front of him. Luckily drivers take pity on him and he makes it home safe until next month when he tries again.
The Recumbent
This rider usually sports a beard, bright colored jersey or orange safety vest, sunglasses with the leather sides, helmet mirror, panniers, flag on the back...all the fixings. Also scary to watch in traffic. These guys will come rolling along at a respectable pace in a straight line and then come to a grinding halt when they have to turn a corner. This types of commuter cannot work out why anyone would want to ride a regular bike when the drag coefficient, center of gravity and geometry of a recumbent is far superior. Not to mention comfort? 90% of these riders are engineers and will be more than happy to explain to you at length the advantages of riding a recumbent.
Public Transport Commuter
This commuter will take the 30mins of overhead required to get ready for the morning ride to work, but only gets as far as the next train stop. Not certain why this is. 100km commute from work perhaps?
The Glamour Girl
This bird has no idea what she's gotten herself into. She thought it would be stylish to get out on her bike and didn't realize that the quiet streets don't last long before you hit the jungles of morning traffic. She is usually relegated to the sidewalk 5 mins into her ride when her cellphone rings.
The DUI Commuter
This guy doesn't choose to ride his bike for health, fitness, environment, etc. He's riding because he lost his license due to a blood alcohol limit of 2.5 on his last bender. He usually wears a baseball cap, no helmet, blue jeans, a stolen mountain bike, and a 5'oclock shadow at 7am. He also assumes drinking and riding is not illegal so he's is not complaining as he'll make the best of it.
The Courier
And how can I forget the bad boys of cycling...the bike courier.
I doubt that the bike courier would appreciate being called a "commuter", but I don't imagine that many couriers drive to work. Therefore they also fit into this category and are subject to ridicule like everyone else. Tattoos, street-wear, skateboard helmets, etc. It's all part of the lifestyle that you just can't fake (well, apparently the hipsters are fakin' it). The bike courier is the only faction of cyclist who makes us look half cool. The Hell's Angels of cycling, if you will. However, what do you guys say when a big Harley hog rumbles up next to you at a red light and gives it a couple revs? Not so bad-ass now, are we?
That's right - YOU. You didn't think you were gonna get out of it so easily, did you? You're the only one who thinks you're the coolest kat in town. You're the guy who gets all kitted up, pins a number on, rides the Zipps, and has an espresso flavored powergel on your way to work. But I'm sure you have good reason to ride in like this...It could be because you have a race after work, you need to take your bike to the shop at lunch, or it could be because you like to show to all your coworkers how PRO you are. Sorry, but we're the only people on the planet that think spandex, shaved legs, and tiny arms look cool.
The Hardman
This is the guy who hasn't missed a day of commuting to work since 1993. This is a badge of honor to this steed and everyone at work talks about him around the lunch table like he could win the Tour de France. You pipe up every time and try to make them understand that he is not as PRO as you are and that you're in fact the much more dedicated cyclist.
Safety First
This commuter is taking no chances on the way to work. Notice the flashing LED's on panniers, reflectors and bright orange safety vest. Looks like a UFO on a bike. Two water bottles (you can never have enough fluids), panniers and kickstand is mandatory.
Bike Bum
Bums gotta get to work too and I think it's a safe assumption that a bike would be the choice of transport. The Bike Bum doesn't need fancy gadgets like a saddle, air in his tires, or even a rear tire. If this guy only knew about how many empty beer cans were on the side of the roads at Paris-Roubaix he'd have a 10min gap on the peloton for 280km.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Training Partners
I find having a regular training partner(s) with similar goals as myself extremely helpful. It provides everyone with motivation in our downtimes and pushes each other harder when needed. It also forces that accountability to be at your meeting place so you don't miss that 5am ride. It's also a bonus if your training partner has different strengths so you can push each other on your weaknesses. Everyone is different with what works for them with a training partner, but you need to have similar goals, time schedules, attitude, ability,etc. It's not something that you can force but when it works, it works. It'll help you ride more consistently and for longer. Plus you'll always have that mate to blame a flat tire on when you're partner asks you why you're home 2hrs late!
A great workout for training speed is for you and your training partner to take turns doing 5 x 2-minute pulls near lactate threshold. This is not only a hard effort for the person on the front but also makes for short recovery at a high pace for the person in the draft. The total work effort for each of you is 20 minutes. This speed-endurance workout should be done when you are relatively fresh in order to get maximum results. If you do this when fatigued you can't get the power high enough or maintain the heart rate needed to simulate a race effort. Try to do on Tuesday after having Monday as a rest day.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Clean Chain Makes Everything Better

Thank you to Michal Krodkiewski for this tip on a good technique to clean your chain properly. I use a Wipperman link myself and it's the most convenient way to remove your chain when cleaning. Remember, a clean chain = 5 watts!
The best way I have found to maintain a clean chain and drivetrain is fitting a removable Wipperman link to the chain . I find removing the chain is much more effective than cleaning it on the bike, and it also gives you better access to the rear derailleur, jockey wheels etc to clean and lube. The best degreaser I've found (aside from the very expensive Pedro's stuff etc) is Citro Clean from Coles or Safeway; about $7 for a 700ml bottle.
Take off rear wheel and remove chain. Wipe down the chain with a rag (spray rag lightly with Citro Clean) to remove surface gunk and place in an old 1.25L soft drink bottle. Pour in degreaser (about + 100ml) and shake well . Remove chain (either cut bottle or use coathanger/old spoke to fish out) , rinse and wipe down and then inspect the links to make sure they're all clean etc. If required, give the chain another quick spray of Citro Clean. Put b ack on the bike. Put rear wheel back on. It's then best to allow the chain to dry for a bit, then lubricate each link while spinning crank by hand.
While the back wheel is off it is good to remove and clean the cassette if required. Babywipes do a really good job of this, or if really dirty a quick pre-spray with citro-clean helps.
Wipperman links are re-useable (ie you can demount and re-mount the chain as often as you like), whereas other similar products such as SRAM Powerlinks are single use (ie, once put on, you can't take them off without breaking. The link comes in 2 parts. Take care to put them in a safe place when removing from chain as they can be easy to lose. It is a good policy to install a new Wipperman link each time you install a new chain as these will stretch similarly to a conventional link. Also note that they are directional, and the 'arrow' should be pointing up when the link is at the bottom of the chainline. Available in both Campy and Shimano 10s compatibility.
Slight warning, the citro clean can fade some paints such as the decals on Ksyrium SL wheels, so limit its use to the drivetrain.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
More on Crosswinds
I recently wrote a post about crosswinds and I'm going to do it again today. It's seems like it's been a major theme of much of my past couple of races.
I did this race in rural Australia called Scotty's race. It's race for the Scott People's foundation where Scott was tragically killed while training a couple years ago. It brings out some of the best riders in Australia to pay their respects to the family and in memory of Scott.
As somber as the minute of silence was before the flag dropped, the race got off to a blistering 55km/hr pace as soon as the neutral vehicle pulled off. The crosswinds had 200 riders in the gutter for about a km back down the road. Once again, many people seemed to think that it would be easier riding single file and bridging gaps than it would be doing turns in the echelon up front. Easier said than done as it was a dog-fight just to get a place in the echelon that used only half the road!
I was fortunate to have my place up at the front, but what surprised me is that no other echelons formed directly behind us. This of course would require a little bit of communication between riders who wanted to do this which wasn't easily possible at 55km/hr in the mayhem behind. However, you can see the pros doing this here (in the front group):
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tubular Hint
It constantly amazes me how many people out there will trust some kid at a bikeshop to glue their tubulars on for them (or Singles as they call them here in Aus). It's not that hard once you get your technique down. Given how important of a job this is, there's a lot of trust you're putting into whoever is doing this for you. Maybe I'm overly cautious, but I want to know 100% that it's done right and enough glue has been used. If you've never seen someone roll a tubular at 50k/hr, you should imagine it. There's lots of articles out there on how to glue on tubulars so I won't go through it now (maybe in the future).
One tip that most people won't tell you about tubular installation is about the valve extenders. When you put a metal valve extender onto a metal presta valve it won't be an airtight seal. This means that when you pump it up, you'll sometimes have to pump like mad to put more air in than is leaking out of the valve extender. The way to fix this is by wrapping a small piece of plumbers tape around the presta valve threads before screwing the extender on (before gluing the tire onto the rim). This will seal the air leak and make for easy pumping. Also make sure that the presta valve is screwed all the way out and tightened so that it doesn't slowly screw back in while it's inside the valve extender. If this happens, you'll have no choice but to take the tire off.
Now, I'm going out for a ride to enjoy the new Zipp 404's that I just bought!
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Racing Sponsorship Wanted!
This post is for all you young guns out there wanting to get sponsored by a big team or bike company. I’ve seen quite a few rider resumes come through in my day and 90% of them are all wrong . Many of these resumes contain a long list of race results, personal goals and photos. Most sponsors don’t really care about your results unless you’re Robbie McEwen or an upcoming superstar. Of course good results will tell your sponsors that you won’t embarrass them and make their product look completely pathetic, but what they’re looking for is you show that you’re in a position of influence to promote their brand and to be a good ambassador. Position your sponsorship resume on describing what you can do for them, not what you want from them. Talk about what you do to give back to the sport of cycling (i.e. involvement with your local club, if you do any coaching or mentoring, do you write any articles or race write-ups, etc). Definitely highlight your future goals and past results, but don’t place the emphasis of your content on them. Tell your potential sponsors how you can help them add value and image to their brand. Sponsorship money comes from the company’s marketing dollars and brand recognition is what’s all about. You need to market yourself as an actively involved person in the cycling/racing community and how you’ll be a good ambassador for the logo written on your jersey. Sure good results will get them recognized as a winning brand, but that’s not on the top of their list. Another good idea is to look at the team you’re sending your resume to and try to figure out where they’re lacking and how you would fit in. Do they lack climbers? Do they lack sprinters? Are these any of your strengths? If that’s the case, then put some emphasis on that point and tell them how you could help them as a team .
I’m sorry to say, many of these sponsors don’t really care much about you (from what I can tell, teams like Drapac-Porsche is one of the few philanthropists out there - and they do have excellent riders as well). You are just a vehicle for most sponsors to market their brand. That’s the whole business model that cycling is built upon. As long as you’re not embarrassing them, your results don’t matter all that much. There are a tonne of cyclist out there with good results. How will you separate yourself from the rest?
Last but not least, don’t expect a free ride. You might get some free kit, a bike, some costs covered, whatever. But, very rarely does that come with no strings attached. You’ll have to do promo events, bike shows, group rides with sponsors, etc. This is how the sponsors get their return on investment out of you. And why shouldn’t they?
Posted by Wade Wallace at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Clean Chain = 5 watts!
On this mornings ride Brett Phelan gave me this great tip. Have you seen this guy's chain? You could brush your teeth with it!
We all spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars trying to save precious watts. For example, when Zipp released their carbon wheels with golf balll dimples they claimed that it'll save you between 1 and 4 watts. I wanted to go out and spend $3k on a pair right away! We're such suckers for that cheap marketing ploy. It might seem small, but all these 5 watt increases can add up to 50 watts in a hurry. That's huge! Of course the law of diminishing gains comes into affect costing you thousands of dollars.
Here's a tip that won't cost you anything and will save you up to 5 watts. Clean your chain! A clean chain vs a filthy one can save you precious power through reducing the losses through the drivetrain with all that muck and grime sitting in there.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How Much Fitness Do You Loose When You Stop Training?
I first want to thank David Heatly from Cycling-Inform for posting this. A couple recent events in my life makes this topic very fitting. First, I just went on an amazing 2 week vacation in New Zealand with my wife. There were no bikes to speak of and that was the whole point. This was part of my rest and transition period going into 2009. I spent a total of 3 weeks completely off the bike fully expecting to loose heaps of fitness. I was okay with that because I felt that I needed the rest before burnout occurred. I got back from NZ, had a week of light riding and went right into the Tour of Bright - a small 3 stage tour with some BIG hills involved. To make a long story short, I ended up winning my category. I had no expectations going into this race because I thought I'd have 50% less fitness than I did a month ago. Apparently I had "fresh form " instead of "real form " (along with a lot of help from my teammates and some luck).
The second thing that made me think of posting this topic was because in the same race on Stage 1, a fellow competitor (Shane Miller ) was riding behind me on a wild 70-80km/hr windy decent and crashed. He was seriously injured and I really feel for him. He was in great form (probably would have won the overall race) and now he's going to be relegated to the couch and eventually a wind trainer for the next few weeks - months.
So the question is, how much fitness do you loose when you stop training? Read on to find out...
I came across a great article by Pete Pfitzinger on the effect of detraining and thought I'd pass along on his insights. I have kept much of the content intact but have adapted it slightly for cyclists.
Please answer the following question: When you take a break from training, your body starts to turn to mush: a) after a few months; b) after a few weeks; c) after a few days; or d) almost immediately. Most cyclists apparently believe the correct answer is (d), and that the fitness gains of years of cycling are in danger of quickly vanishing into thin air. This behavior is manifested in phenomena such as double workouts, and a propensity to exercise through such potentially life-threatening conditions as blizzards, electrical storms, and bronchitis.
The good news is that the rate at which detraining occurs is slower than you may think. In fact, most elements of your fitness go down at about the same rate at which they go up. Let’s take a look at the evidence concerning how long it takes physiological improvements to be lost and performance to go down the tubes when you are forced to stay off the road due to illness or injury, or (now here’s a novel concept) when you take a planned break from training.
A surprisingly large number of scientific studies have been conducted on detraining, and although not all results are in agreement, the evidence is reasonably consistent. The journals Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise and Sports Medicine recently published reviews of over 60 detraining studies, which provide insight into how quickly you can expect to lose your hard-won adaptations to training.
The list below summarizes some of the physiological adaptations that occur during a 2 to 4 week break from training. Your VO2 max will decrease by up to 10%, primarily due to a reduction in your blood volume. One of the adaptations to endurance exercise is an increase in blood volume, and when you stop training this adaptation is lost relatively quickly. When your blood volume decreases, less blood returns to your heart to be pumped with each heart beat. This means that your stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped per heart beat) decreases. Your heart rate must increase, therefore, in order for you to exercise at the same pace as before.
Other effects of detraining include a loss of flexibility, a decrease in your lactate threshold pace, and large reductions in your muscle glycogen concentration and aerobic enzyme activity. Interestingly, the fitter you are, the greater these losses tend to be.
Physiological effects of 2-4 weeks of detraining
- VO2 max: down 4-10%
- Blood volume: down 5-10%
- Heart rate: up 5-10%
- Stroke volume: down 6-12%
- Flexibility: Decreases
- Lactate threshold: Decreases
- Muscle glycogen levels: down 20-30%
- Aerobic enzyme activity: Decreases
- Economy: Unchanged
What happens to your cycling performance?
Endurance performance tends to remain the same or actually improve after a few days without training. This is not surprising because when you are in hard training you are perpetually fatigued, so a short break allows your body to recover and adapt to your previous training. Between 1 and 2 weeks off from training, however, the benefits of recovery start to become outweighed by a loss in fitness. Although not many studies have measured loss of performance after several weeks of detraining (would you volunteer?), performance is likely to decrease by about 3-5% after 3 to 4 weeks of detraining.
How about if you just reduce your training?
If you cut back the volume of your training (i.e. how often you train or long your exercise, you can maintain your fitness level for a surprisingly long time. Studies have found that when either the frequency or duration of training are reduced (while the intensity of training is maintained) that aerobic conditioning is maintained for up to 15 weeks. When the intensity of training is reduced (while the volume of training is maintained), however, then aerobic fitness declines more quickly. If you must reduce your training volume, therefore, maintaining your training intensity is the key to maintaining your cycling performance. Similarly, if you are injured, you can maintain a reasonably high level of aerobic conditioning by cross-training hard several times per week. The closer that your cross-training activity simulates cycling, the more slowly you will lose your cycling fitness.
On the road again
When you start cycling again, you can expect your fitness level to go back up at about the same rate at which it went down. Of course, if you have been injured, the increase in your training will be dictated by the recovery of your injury. If you haven’t exercised for two weeks or more, during your first session back you will likely feel as though you have never exercised before. It just takes a couple of sessions for your various body parts to become reacquainted, and by your third session you should feel almost normal. After a week or so back on the road your blood volume will be increasing, and you will be regaining all of the other fitness factors that will allow you to regain your previous level of performance.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 8:31 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Catching the Swarm
Even though the the peloton is riding at a very steady speed, the distance between riders is constantly changing. There might not be much distance between riders from side to side, but slight changes in speed open up small gaps between riders. Through these gaps you can squeeze your way up through a tight bunch to make your way closer to the front.
Consistency and predictability are two keys to moving through a tight pack. You don’t want to make the riders around you nervous by manking any sudden or sketchy moves. Riding steadily and decisively also leaves no doubt about where you’re going. That means the riders around you can act accordingly. Many crashes in thepeloton happen because one rider moves and the rider behind him either didn’t expect it or didn’t know where that first rider was going.
Be careful not to move through a gap too aggressively. If you stomp on the pedals to move up one space you’ll end up hitting the brakes. This has a ripple effect behind you and makes it more difficult for those riders to stay at a consistent pace. It takes some practice to get it down, but once you figure out just how much power you need to move up without having to tap your brakes, you’ll be able to cruise up through the field without anyone even noticing it. Also see this post for a quick tip on how to let other riders know you're coming through.
Getting through a tight pack in the middle of a race is one thing but working your way to the front of a charging train of sprinters is another. Watch out for the "swarms " passing you on your left or right sides and jump in on them. Sprinters have great peripheral awareness and either see or sense riders coming up on their sides. This helps them decide whether to go left or right around the wheel ahead of them, but a lot is also up to a combination of luck and experience.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Throwing It In the Gutter
Depending on the mood of the peloton, sometimes races can be extremely negative. What I mean by "negative" is that every time someone attacks and attempts to create a break-away it gets chased it down. Sometimes thiscan be a very intentional team strategy for those who want the race to come down to a field sprint. Or it can also be a result of too many people in the peloton being nervous and excited where every time a rider goes up the road, someone tries to go with him and ends up dragging the whole pack up to that rider. If you have some nasty crosswinds at your disposal, there is one way to split up the group so that you can get rid of those riders just sitting on. Throw it in the gutter!
When the direction of the race turns into the crosswinds it's time to ramp up the pace with a few other willing riders. It can start off with four or five of you rolling some hard and steady turns up at the front of the pack. No need to "attack" or make any aggressive moves - all that's needed is a few of you sharing the work-load riding a hard and steady pace in an echelon. At first you should only use about half of the lane available to you so that too many people cannot get into that echelon . If you look back after a couple of minutes you'll see the rest of the peloton strung out single file all the way to the back. You'll be working hard in that echelon up front, but I guarantee you that the riders behind riding single-file in "the gutter" are riding much much harder trying to hold that wheel in-front. Sooner or later someone in the gutter will drop a wheel and a split in the field will occur. Keep riding hard in your echelon until a nice gap in the field is established. Very rarely will the bunch who have been dropped get organized enough for a successful chase to happen. Now, instead of 100 riders to contend with at the finish line, you only have a small group.
The result...
Tip: Where the course changes directions (i.e. a corner in the road) is when the race will head into the crosswinds. That may sound obvious, but pay close attention to the wind direction and where to course will turn. If you're too far back in the peloton whenthe group decides to " put it in the gutter" you'll never get up to the front to be a part of it. You'll be one of the poor riders holding on for dear life!
Posted by Wade Wallace at 9:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cold Feet?
This post is more for my poor Canadian buddies who are trying to squeeze in that last bit of cycling before -30C hits. Here in Australia we're going through the opposite.
On those cold riding days there is a fine line between keeping warm and breaking a sweat. If you sweat and then stop, you get cold. I always had problems with getting cold and sweaty feet. I tried to solve this by buy simply wearing thicker socks and booties, but found that this did not work well. It just makes them sweat more.
A better alternative I found is using antiperspirant. Get some spray-on antiperspirant and put it on your bare feet, let dry, put socks on. Voila! No more foot sweat that causes the cold feet.
The best solution for stopping cold feet is of course moving to Australia!
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Joke
If you ever want to win a major wheelrace, crit or even some roadraces where teams aren’t prevalent, you definitely need to be a good, strong cyclist. No doubt about that. However, there’s something else to it that you won’t find on any Google search or cycling rule book. You had better be in on "the Joke ". I’ll be gunned down if I talk anymore about it, but I’ll let you know that it happens at many major showcase events. Don’t know what "the joke " is? You might want to find out and get in on it.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The 10hr Training Week For Real People
I generally advocate training principals around periodization, however I know many of you will feel that you don't have the time for it, don't know how to implement it, or will just never get around to doing it. Fair enough. This post is for those of you who want some structure behind your training but don't want to get too deep into it.
Ten hours of training per week is a magic number for most serious recreational riders. If you can train for 10 hours in a full week you will put to use much of your genetic potential. Who has the time for much else when you have a job, family, house, and real-life commitments anyway??? With 10 hours each week, you’ll have room in the training schedule for some quality work and also some easy riding for recovery and socializing.
What You Can Do: Assuming that you work a normal 9-5 job on weekdays and have some time to ride on weekends.
Monday: Rest day. Stay off the bike at least one day a week to help recovery. You might want to keep blood circulating with some light upper-body weight training or an easy walk.
Tuesday: Ride 90 minutes. After a warm up, do 5 to 10 sprints, or a short training time trial, or short intervals at a heart rate around 90% of your max. Get some intensity into this workout.
Wednesday: Ride 2 hours with the emphasis on endurance. Heart rate shouldn’t go above about 85% of max. TIP If you’re pressed for time, split 2 hours of training into a couple of rides. For instance, go hard for an hour in the morning, maybe on the trainer or on the commute to work. Then pedal easily after work or in the evening to promote recovery.
Thursday: Ride 90 minutes. Ideally this can be a group ride or training race in the evening. Get some intensity in.
Friday: One hour coffee ride with friends. Finish up with a short weight training session. Commuting to work is also a great way to get in this recovery ride.
Saturday: Two hours with some hills in it. This should be a good quality ride to build the strength in the legs. If you have a race tomorrow then make it an easier ride. A short two hour ride leaves time for chores and family responsibilities
Sunday: Ride 2-3 hours. Race, do an endurance ride, or go out with a spirited group. This is the day to reap the benefits of your improved fitness.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 6:58 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tools On The Road
On our weekend ride it was wet and miserable and nearly everyone had troubles with flat tyres. This lead to a debate between everyone on who had the best and smartest emergency tookit set. You ask 10 different cyclists what they carry for tools on the road and you'll get 10 different answers. A few different points of view is always good and here is mine along with some suggestions from others.
1. spare tube. Don't leave home without it.
2. multi-tool. Don't leave home without it either.
3. tyre lever. Best to carry 2 just in case one breaks. Doesn't take much more room to do this.
4. $5 bill. This can come in handy for 2 things. Buying food in case of emergency bonk, or to fix a major tear in your tyre. See this post.
5. Patch Kit. Where there is one puncture, there are usually mutliples. This doesn't take up much room and one day far from home you'll be glad you have it.
5. CO2 Cartridge. These are great, but you have one shot to make it work. If you screw it up you'll be stranded. See points 6 & 7
6. Valve converter. This comes in handy when you're near a service station and either don't want to use your CO2, or if you've messed up the first try with your CO2.
7. Crowie made a great point about carrying a hand pump. Many people mess up the fitting of the tyre/tube when fixing it when in a rush. They also don't check properly for peices of glass or debris and end up with another puncture moments after they fix it. Using a CO2 cartridge is quick and easy which enables you to be in a rush. Using a hand pump that requires a lot of elbow grease will make you damn sure that the tube is fitted properly and all the debris is out of the tyre before you take 5 minutes to pump that thing up to 100psi.
Posted by Wade Wallace at 10:14 AM 0 comments